RCR Money Talks 26 February 2025
Louis joined Paul Brennan again to explore the dynamic events of 2025, focusing on the political landscape and financial implications for gold. We discuss President Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund idea, the importance of gold to tackle the US national debt crisis and the increasing demand for physical gold.
Reality Check Radio Money Talks 12 December 2024
Louis joined Paul Brennan again on his Breakfast show, this time warning listeners about the nature of the ongoing currency wars, what it means for the NZ dollar and why financial repression is heading our way.
Reality Check Radio Money Talks 14 November 2024
Money Talks asked Louis to come on again and this time the discussion with Paul Brennan centered around monetary disorder, mounting debt and the ongoing importance of gold to protect one’s purchasing power.
Reality Check Radio Money Talks 10 October 2024
Louis was invited to talk again about money with Paul Brennan on New Zealand’s Reality Check Radio. This time the discussion was focused on why the New Zealand central bank has no gold in its reserves.
Reality Check Radio Money Talks 19 September 2024
New Zealand’s Reality Check Radio has a weekly Money Talks feature on Thursday mornings during the Breakfast with Paul Brennan show. Louis was invited to talk about the unstable state of the global economy and why, especially now, gold is money.
VRIC Media Interview in late August 2024
Ted Butler of VRIC Media asked Louis to join him for a no-holds- barred conversation on the current state of the world and its money. This was not only fun to do, but allowed Louis to express some views that had been suppressed for some time. The world is slowly waking up to gold and its role as money, so this was an opportune time to speak frankly about how we got here and what may well lie just ahead.
Webinar on Gold for Advisors in April 2020
Heathcote Investment Partners invited me to give a webinar presentation to an audience of investment advisors in New Zealand. My focus for that presentation was to ensure financial advisors understood the dual role of gold and how to buy gold for their clients. I explained the bullion services my firm offers to both private and institutional clients wanting to access the wholesale London Bullion Market. The video recording of that presentation is no longer available, but the slides used for it are available here.
Conference in Sydney in October 2019
This was the fourth time that Kerry Stevenson invited me to speak at her popular annual event in Australia for the general public. The first time was back in 2010 and her original Gold Symposium event has now slightly metamorphosed to include not only gold, but also crypto currencies. My presentation lasted 30 minutes and you can see it below.
Immediately following my presentation in Sydney, I was interviewed by Darryl and Brian Panes, who run a business called As Good As Gold based in Adelaide. This is a light and fun conversation that runs around 30 minutes as well and you can see it below.
Gold Is The Ultimate Alternative Asset
I gave a presentation at an investment conference organized by the CFA Society of New Zealand and held in Auckland on the 22nd of May 2019, entitled “The Rise of Systemic Risk and the Role of Gold”. You can find the slides of that presentation here. Below is a short interview that followed my presentation.
Monetary Disorder and the Role of Gold
Below is a presentation I gave in India in 2012. I was invited by the CFA Society of India to speak to their members in four major cities, including Mumbai and New Delhi. I was sponsored by CFA Institute as a speaker and gave similar presentations on monetary disorder and the role of gold to investment professionals around the world from 2008 to 2015. Over the duration of that sponsorship, I had the pleasure and the privilege of speaking about this important subject in 25 countries.
Don’t just take my word for it…
Below you’ll find brief comments from two well known and very successful investors that clearly support the idea that owning some physical gold as part of a diversified portfolio is not only prudent, it is an essential risk management tool in this day and age when “monetary policy is the only game in town” (Kyle Bass)… I also agree totally with Ray Dalio when he says to those who do not own any gold that: “there is no sensible reason other than you don’t know history and you don’t know the economics of it”.