In 2010, Louis Boulanger was invited to present a paper at a conference of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries. Back then, Louis was still a Fellow of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries. Louis has now terminated his membership of that Society, but the main message of the paper remains relevant today and so, it is made available here.

The paper ‘Sound Navigation Requires Sound Measurement’ was jointly written and presented with my mentor at the time, Professor Antal E. Fekete, Founder of the New Austrian School of Economics, based in Budapest, Hungary.

The paper briefly discusses monetary matters that actuaries, of all people, should be very familiar with and fully aware of. But, sadly or perhaps even tragically, actuaries then as today, as most everybody else, are not only not aware of such matters, but prefer to remain blissfully unaware of them to avoid the cognitive dissonance otherwise caused by pondering such problematic questions of our time.