Welcome to Louis Boulanger Now

To invest, or not to invest: Now, that is the question!

For 50 years our global monetary system has been based on debt and our faith in the ability of sovereign nations to pay their debt.  That debt has now reached unsustainable levels, yet it continues to increase globally at an exponential rate.  The global financial system has become unstable as a result.

Central banking authorities everywhere are applying increasingly drastic and untested measures in the hope that they can stabilise the system and maintain confidence in their ability to govern money. The result is monetary disorder, distorted price discovery and currency wars.  The global financial crisis that began in 2007 is far from over.  The true nature of this ongoing global and systemic crisis is monetary.  This is because what we call money today is but a poor and distant cousin of what was once sound money.  What we call money today is actually debt.  So debt has become the ultimate bubble.  At its roots, this is a belated gold crisis.  But it is not yet recognised as such. Because there is still vast ignorance in the marketplace about the history of money and what ultimately happens to fiat.

Louis Boulanger Now is a firm that understands what is happening to fiat currencies and offers strategic advice to both private and institutional clients on how to protect purchasing power accordingly.  This site provides information about the firm and its services and the important role bullion ownership plays.